PyInstaller is distributed under a dual-licensing scheme using both the GPL 2.0 License, with an exception that allows you to use it to build commercial products - listed below - and the Apache License, version 2.0, which only applies to a certain few files. To see which files the Apache license applies to, and to which the GPL applies, please see the COPYING.txt file which can be found in the root of the PyInstaller source repository.
A quick summary of the GPL license exceptions:
You may use PyInstaller to bundle commercial applications out of your source code.
The executable bundles generated by PyInstaller from your source code can be shipped with whatever license you want, as long as it complies with the licenses of your dependencies. You do not need to include PyInstaller’s license file with your application, nor do you have to provide any form of acknowledgements or credits to PyInstaller (e.g. in an About dialog).
You may modify PyInstaller for your own needs but changes to the PyInstaller source code fall under the terms of the GPL license. That is, if you distribute your modifications you must distribute them under GPL terms.